The future of a handicapped

Written 21.03.2023 13:06 under Archive

We have visited a young man, Johnson, and his uncle at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The last part of the distance was a small, red dirt road that twisted among the banana plantations. At the end of the very steep road was the house where they lived. House may be an exaggeration because Johnson and his uncle share a room of 7-8 m2. The room is at the end of a hen house and there is just one building. There is no ceiling in the room next to the hen house. The smell was tough and we thought, “How can they sleep in that stench?”
Johnson has no parents. When he was little his mother died and his father died in November of last year. Johnson is an only child and his uncle is the only relative left.
Besides these challenges, Johnson has a handicap. There was an accident in his home when he was little. The housemaid had put a pot on the fireplace and left it to go outside. Johnson just learned to crawl. He moved himself to the fireplace and crabbed the handle of the pot with both hands. On his left hand his little fingers melted away at the extreme heat and his right hand is very damaged as well.
Although he lost his fingers Johnson is a competent writer and has a beautiful handwriting. He retained his thumb and most of the index finger on his right hand so he can hold a pencil.
Johnson seems to be a nice boy and is a very good student. But after his father died there is no one to pay his tuition. Without school fees he cannot continue classes as the uncle can barely make ends meet. That was very evident when we visited their home.
We have met with Johnson and his uncle again to hear about Johnson’s wishes for the future. In faith we have sent him on to Secondary school. He will be 18 years in July and has two more years before he graduates. If anyone reading this would like to help support his education there is a need for DKK 6,000 per year for this.

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 5506
    [post_author] => 3
    [post_date] => 2024-07-12 09:52:25
    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-12 07:52:25
    [post_content] =>  Kære Venner,
I dag får jeg sommerferie, det har jeg glædet mig til længe. Men det er jeg hvis ikke den eneste der har.    
Der sker stadig mange spændende ting i Tanzania, så du får lige en lille frisk hilsen her som du kan tage med på din ferie og i ro og mag med en kop kaffe/te i hånden nyde lidt læsning. 
Jeg ser frem til midt i sommerferien, at skulle starte på sygehuset med behandling for migrænen. Bed gerne om det vil virke så jeg kan blive smertefri.
Du ønskes en fantastisk sommer.


Bjerres Mission

    [post_title] => Sommer hilsen 2024 - Mirjam Bjerre
    [post_excerpt] => 
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    [post_name] => sommer-hilsen-2024-mirjam-bjerre
    [to_ping] => 
    [pinged] => 
    [post_modified] => 2024-07-12 09:55:40
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-07-12 07:55:40
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