This heartwarming story really excites us

Written 01.12.2023 19:08 under Archive

The other day one of our former guards, Loriku came to see us. He is from Maasai land. More than 10 years ago he underwent some traumas. In 2012 he lost his wife and little son after a domestic accident. The wife sat in the cabin cooking with two of the kids. When the lamp ran out of petroleum she began filling it up again and as she did, it exploded in her hands. The fire lit her clothes and mother and son both died as a consequence of the accident. Only the daughter survived.
Loriku decided to remarry. He took not one wife but two wives. It is not unusual for Maasais to have several wives. He explained his decision by the fact that he would not risk being left alone with children again.
As the years went by he never considered becoming a Christian and he never wanted to talk about spiritual things. The Masaais are proud people and oftentimes they worship their ancestors.
But one day he came to our house with great news. He said, “Tabitha, I and my two wives and our children have decided to become Christians and we are all going to be baptized.” He smiled saying, “I understand your surprise, but it is true!” I got so excited, jumped, hugged him and wished him God’s blessings.
He had one wish: “Mama, can I have a Bible? I would like to read it to my family.” I got even more excited and ran to get two Bibles for him and the family. He was a real happy Masaai who left our house with his two Bibles under the arms.
Now they have all become members of the Lutheran church. All honor to God.
To us it is a miracle that shows us that to God nothing is impossible.

WP_Post Object
    [ID] => 5506
    [post_author] => 3
    [post_date] => 2024-07-12 09:52:25
    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-07-12 07:52:25
    [post_content] =>  Kære Venner,
I dag får jeg sommerferie, det har jeg glædet mig til længe. Men det er jeg hvis ikke den eneste der har.    
Der sker stadig mange spændende ting i Tanzania, så du får lige en lille frisk hilsen her som du kan tage med på din ferie og i ro og mag med en kop kaffe/te i hånden nyde lidt læsning. 
Jeg ser frem til midt i sommerferien, at skulle starte på sygehuset med behandling for migrænen. Bed gerne om det vil virke så jeg kan blive smertefri.
Du ønskes en fantastisk sommer.


Bjerres Mission

    [post_title] => Sommer hilsen 2024 - Mirjam Bjerre
    [post_excerpt] => 
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    [post_name] => sommer-hilsen-2024-mirjam-bjerre
    [to_ping] => 
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    [post_modified] => 2024-07-12 09:55:40
    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-07-12 07:55:40
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