Bomb in Arusha

Written 07.05.2013 20:57 under Archive

Dear friends,

As you might have heard in the news, on Sunday morning around 11am a bomb was thrown into the Roman Catholic church they were dedicating that day, about 800m from where Miriam and Per lives. There were many prominent guests like a representative from the pope in Rome.


About 86 people were injured especially many children and 3 have been reported dead. The wounded were brought to 3 different hospitals in the area and many are still in a critical condition.
The military quickly came to the scene as they were afraid more bombs were hidden, fortunately they did not find any.


We have been told they have caught 3 Tanzanian and 3 (some say 4) Arabs (who flew in that week from Saudi Arabia). No organization has taken responsibility for the action, the locals are sure it is the muslims especially in the light of what has happened on Zanzibar and Mwanza. (Churches were burnt and priests were decapitated).


The situation is tense. Yesterday a minister was there to talk to the church/people in Olasiti and asked them to pray for the situation and not take revenge. This minister is one of the few we have in our parliament as many muslims have been elected. We would like you to pray for the situation that it will not escalate to become a holy war between Christians and muslims.


Lastly I would like to ask you to pray for us and remember us in your prayers for safety and guardian angels. We do not feel afraid as we know God has put us here.

With love Tabitha and Mirjam

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    [ID] => 5548
    [post_author] => 3
    [post_date] => 2024-10-18 13:11:06
    [post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-18 11:11:06
    [post_content] =>  Kære Venner,
Ja så har jeg igen brug for at dele mit hjerte med jer. Mit nødråb denne gang gælder hjælp til en kirke,    ude i masailandet i det nordlige Tanzania nær Kenyas grænse.
Læs opslaget.

Kærlig hilsen fra

Tabitha og Torkild


Ny kirke Matale

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    [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-10-18 11:11:06
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