I wonder if you remember the little Maasai girl who survived the terrible fire in August 2012, where her little brother died 2 weeks after the fire and the mother died 3 months after the fire.
The girls name is Nolari Loriku.
It is now 2 months ago little Nolari was released from hospital where the mother at the same time lost her life. Nolari now lives with her mother’s brother and aunt where she is doing really well.
Unfortunately Nolari cannot bend or use her left arm since the fire as it was so badly burned and the skin grew back together in a way that it is now tight in the elbow joint. The doctors have said that by doing an operation they can help Nolari so that she once again can move her arm.
We hurried to agree to this operation and al-ready last week she had the operation done. Now we are anxiously waiting to see her use her arm again when it has healed.
Thank you for standing together with us in all things.
Tabitha and Torkild